import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import omegaconf
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import pywt
import rul_datasets
import rul_adapt
Training preparations¶
Before training, the TBiGRU approach has a feature mining stage and a bearing running state stage that need to be completed. The running state detection is used to determine the first-time-to-predict (FTTP) which is needed to appropriately generate the RUL targets. The RUL Adapt library implements both stages but adds their results to the training configurations for easier an easier replication process (see Reproduce original configurations below).
Feature selection¶
To run the feature selection stage, create a source and target domain reader and feed them to the select_features
For each input feature the function extracts 30 different features and returns the indices of the top transferable features.
We select the appropriate runs as training splits and receive the 30 most transferable features out of 60.
source = rul_datasets.FemtoReader(fd=1, run_split_dist={"dev": [1, 7]})
target = rul_datasets.FemtoReader(fd=2, percent_broken=0.8,
run_split_dist={"dev": [1, 2]})
feature_idx = rul_adapt.approach.select_features(source, target, num_features=30)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 32, 44, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59]
These feature indices can be used for constructing a domain adaption data module with transferable features.
extractor = rul_adapt.approach.VibrationFeatureExtractor(num_input_features=2,
source.load_split("dev")[0] + target.load_split("dev")[0]) # fit internal scaler
dm = rul_datasets.DomainAdaptionDataModule(
rul_datasets.RulDataModule(source, 32, extractor, 20),
rul_datasets.RulDataModule(target, 32, extractor, 20),
Running state detection¶
To set the first-time-to-predict (FTTP) for each bearing, the running states must be detected. This approach uses the moving average correlation (MAC) between energy entropies of signals decomposed by maximal overlap wavelet decomposition in a sliding window. We demonstrate this process on Bearing_1_1.
def wave_denoise(noisy, threshold, threshold_func, level, wave_fkt, axis=1):
Denoise a signal with wavelets.
noisy: Noisy signal.
threshold: Threshold choosing method.
threshold_func: Thresholding method.
level: Number of decompositions.
wave_fkt: Descriptor of discrete wavelet function.
axis: Axis to denoise.
Denoised signal.
coeffs = pywt.wavedec(noisy, wave_fkt, level=level, axis=axis)
s = wnoisest(coeffs, level=level)
sigma_1 = s[level - 1]
th = choose_threshold(noisy.reshape(-1), threshold, sigma_1)
coeffsd = [coeffs[0]]
for i in range(0, level):
coeffsd.append(th_denoise(coeffs[1 + i], threshold_func, th))
denoised = pywt.waverec(coeffsd, wave_fkt, axis=axis)
return denoised
def choose_threshold(x, threshold_func, sigma_1):
if threshold_func == 'sqtwolog':
th = sqtwolog(x, sigma_1)
elif threshold_func == 'minimaxi':
th = minimaxi(x, sigma_1)
elif threshold_func == 'heursure':
th = heursure(x, sigma_1)
elif threshold_func == 'rigrsure':
th = rigrsure(x)
raise ValueError(
f'Invalid value for threshold selection rule {threshold_func}.')
return th
def sqtwolog(x, sigma_1):
return np.sqrt(2 * np.log(len(x))) * sigma_1
def minimaxi(x, sigma_1):
l = len(x)
if l < 32:
th = 0
th = (0.3936 + 0.1829) * np.log2(l) * sigma_1
return th
def heursure(x, sigma_1):
l = len(x)
hth = sqtwolog(x, sigma_1)
normsqr = np.dot(x, x)
eta = (normsqr ** 2 - l) / l
crit = (np.log2(l) ** 1.5) / np.sqrt(l)
if eta < crit:
th = hth
sx2 = x ** 2
sx2 = np.sort(sx2)
cumsumsx2 = np.cumsum(sx2)
risks = []
for i in range(0, l):
(l - 2 * (i + 1) + (cumsumsx2[i] + (l - 1 - i) * sx2[i])) / l)
mini = np.argmin(risks)
rth = np.sqrt(sx2[mini])
th = min(hth, rth)
return th
def rigrsure(x):
l = len(x)
a = np.sort(np.abs(x)) ** 2
c = np.linspace(l - 1, 0, l)
s = np.cumsum(a) + c * a
risk = (l - (2 * np.arange(l)) + s) / l
ibest = np.argmin(risk)
th = np.sqrt(a[ibest])
return th
def th_denoise(x, thfkt, th):
if thfkt == 'hard':
idx = np.abs(x) >= th
x[idx] = 0
elif thfkt == 'soft':
idx = np.abs(x) >= th
x[idx] = np.sign(x[idx]) * (np.abs(x[idx]) - th)
x[~idx] = 0
elif thfkt == 'firm':
i = np.abs(x) < th
x[i] = np.sign(x[i]) * (np.abs(x[i] ** 9) / th ** 8)
elif thfkt == 'exp':
i = np.abs(x) > th
x[i] = np.sign(x[i]) * (np.abs(x[i]) - 1.5 ** (th - np.abs(x[i]))) * th
x[~i] = 0
raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for thresholding type {thfkt}')
return x
def wnoisest(coeffs, level=None):
if level is None:
sig = np.abs(coeffs[-1])
stdc = [np.median(sig) / 0.6745]
stdc = [np.median(np.abs(c)) / 0.6745 for c in coeffs[1:]]
return stdc
runs, _ = source.load_split("dev")
bearing_1_1 = runs[0][:, :, 0, None]
bearing_1_1 = wave_denoise(bearing_1_1, "rigrsure", "exp", 4, "dmey", axis=1)
rms = rul_adapt.approach.tbigru.rms(bearing_1_1)
mac = rul_adapt.approach.tbigru.mac(bearing_1_1, 100, "haar")
def smooth(inputs, alpha):
"""Produce smoothed version of input signal."""
filtered = np.empty_like(inputs)
curr = inputs[0]
for i, update in enumerate(inputs):
curr = alpha * curr + (1 - alpha) * update
filtered[i] = curr
return filtered
The MAC should first increase to near 1 and then dip down for a brief period. This marks the end of the running-in state. The following steady working state ends after a second brief dip. The end of the steady working state is considered the FTTP.
plt.plot(smooth(mac, 0.8), c="tab:orange")
plt.xlabel("Time in s")
plt.ylim((0, 1.2))
ax = plt.twinx(plt.gca())
ax.plot(rms[:, 0], c="tab:green")
We can see the raw and smoothed MAC, as well as the RMS. The plot shows a first dip around 300s and a second dip around 1200s, which would be the first-time-to-predict. Unfortunately, our implementation does not exactly line up with the original results which is why our FTTPs should be regarded with caution.
Reproduce original configurations¶
You can reproduce the original experiments of Cao et al. by using the get_tbigru
constructor function. Known differences to the original paper:
- The feature selection is carried out separately for each transfer task instead of jointly for all sub-datasets. This is because the target data should be truncated, as noted above. Therefore, a different sub-dataset needs to be truncated for the feature selection for each task, too.
- The first-time-to-predict is likely not correct as the process of determining the running state of the bearing could not be recreated faithfully yet.
In this example, we re-create configuration for adaption FEMTO FD001 to FD002. Additional kwargs for the trainer, e.g. accelerator="gpu" for training on a GPU, can be passed to this function, too.
pl.seed_everything(42, workers=True) # make reproducible
dm, tbigru, trainer = rul_adapt.construct.get_tbigru(1, 2, max_epochs=1)
Global seed set to 42 GPU available: False, used: False TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
The networks, feature_extractor
and regressor
, can be accessed as properties of the tbigru
GruExtractor( (_fc_layer): Sequential( (0): Conv1d(30, 15, kernel_size=(1,), stride=(1,)) (1): ReLU() (2): Conv1d(15, 5, kernel_size=(1,), stride=(1,)) (3): ReLU() ) (_gru_layers): GRU(5, 5, bidirectional=True) )
Training is done in the PyTorch Lightning fashion. We used the trainer_kwargs
to train only one epoch for demonstration purposes.
trainer.fit(tbigru, dm)
trainer.test(tbigru, dm)
| Name | Type | Params ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 | train_source_loss | MeanSquaredError | 0 1 | mmd_loss | MaximumMeanDiscrepancyLoss | 0 2 | evaluator | AdaptionEvaluator | 0 3 | _feature_extractor | GruExtractor | 905 4 | _regressor | FullyConnectedHead | 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 916 Trainable params 0 Non-trainable params 916 Total params 0.004 Total estimated model params size (MB)
Sanity Checking: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
/home/tilman/Programming/rul-adapt/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/trainer.py:1609: PossibleUserWarning: The number of training batches (34) is smaller than the logging interval Trainer(log_every_n_steps=50). Set a lower value for log_every_n_steps if you want to see logs for the training epoch. rank_zero_warn(
Training: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Validation: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
`Trainer.fit` stopped: `max_epochs=1` reached.
Testing: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Test metric DataLoader 0 DataLoader 1 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── test/source/rmse 0.6547839045524597 test/source/score 0.02461443468928337 test/target/rmse 0.6114419102668762 test/target/score 0.0323663093149662 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[{'test/source/rmse/dataloader_idx_0': 0.6547839045524597, 'test/source/score/dataloader_idx_0': 0.02461443468928337}, {'test/target/rmse/dataloader_idx_1': 0.6114419102668762, 'test/target/score/dataloader_idx_1': 0.0323663093149662}]
If you only want to see the hyperparameters, you can use the get_tbigru_config
function. This returns an omegeconf.DictConfig
which you can modify.
one2two_config = rul_adapt.construct.get_tbigru_config(1, 2)
print(omegaconf.OmegaConf.to_yaml(one2two_config, resolve=True))
dm: source: _target_: rul_datasets.FemtoReader fd: 1 run_split_dist: dev: - 1 - 7 val: - 2 - 3 test: - 6 first_time_to_predict: - 1200 - 140 - 1050 - 990 - 2300 - 1480 - 1930 norm_rul: true target: _target_: rul_datasets.FemtoReader fd: 2 percent_broken: 1.0 run_split_dist: dev: - 1 - 2 val: - 3 - 4 test: - 6 first_time_to_predict: - 160 - 210 - 450 - 200 - 530 - 340 - 40 norm_rul: true batch_size: 150 feature_extractor: _target_: rul_adapt.approach.tbigru.VibrationFeatureExtractor num_input_features: 2 feature_idx: - 0 - 1 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 16 - 17 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 40 - 41 - 43 - 44 - 48 - 50 - 52 - 54 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 window_size: 20 feature_extractor: _convert_: all _target_: rul_adapt.model.GruExtractor input_channels: 30 fc_units: - 15 - 5 gru_units: - 5 bidirectional: true regressor: _convert_: all _target_: rul_adapt.model.FullyConnectedHead input_channels: 10 act_func_on_last_layer: false units: - 1 domain_disc: _convert_: all _target_: rul_adapt.model.FullyConnectedHead input_channels: 10 act_func_on_last_layer: false units: - 1 tbigru: _target_: rul_adapt.approach.MmdApproach lr: 0.001 mmd_factor: 0.1 rul_score_mode: phm12 trainer: _target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer max_epochs: 5000
Run your own experiments¶
You can use the TBiGRU implementation to run your own experiments with different hyperparameters or on different datasets. Here we use a CNN extractor instead of a BiGRU.
source = rul_datasets.FemtoReader(fd=1, norm_rul=True)
target = rul_datasets.FemtoReader(fd=2, percent_broken=0.8, norm_rul=True)
extractor = rul_adapt.approach.VibrationFeatureExtractor(num_input_features=2,
feature_idx=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
extractor.fit(source.load_split("dev")[0] + target.load_split("dev")[0])
dm = rul_datasets.DomainAdaptionDataModule(
rul_datasets.RulDataModule(source, 32, extractor, window_size=20),
rul_datasets.RulDataModule(target, 32, extractor, window_size=20),
feature_extractor = rul_adapt.model.CnnExtractor(
units=[16, 8],
regressor = rul_adapt.model.FullyConnectedHead(
tbigru = rul_adapt.approach.MmdApproach(lr=0.001, mmd_factor=0.1)
tbigru.set_model(feature_extractor, regressor)
trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=1)
trainer.fit(tbigru, dm)
trainer.test(tbigru, dm)
GPU available: False, used: False TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs | Name | Type | Params ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 | train_source_loss | MeanSquaredError | 0 1 | mmd_loss | MaximumMeanDiscrepancyLoss | 0 2 | evaluator | AdaptionEvaluator | 0 3 | _feature_extractor | CnnExtractor | 2.7 K 4 | _regressor | FullyConnectedHead | 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.7 K Trainable params 0 Non-trainable params 2.7 K Total params 0.011 Total estimated model params size (MB)
Sanity Checking: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Training: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Validation: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
`Trainer.fit` stopped: `max_epochs=1` reached.
Testing: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Test metric DataLoader 0 DataLoader 1 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── test/source/rmse 0.2802481949329376 test/source/score 184.27552795410156 test/target/rmse 0.2827073335647583 test/target/score 86.12316131591797 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[{'test/source/rmse/dataloader_idx_0': 0.2802481949329376, 'test/source/score/dataloader_idx_0': 184.27552795410156}, {'test/target/rmse/dataloader_idx_1': 0.2827073335647583, 'test/target/score/dataloader_idx_1': 86.12316131591797}]